3 Tips on how to break into fitness modeling
"the business behind the lens"
Hi! Welcome to my "How To" September series! I am so excited to share some important tips & tricks regarding the modeling industry. This week I'm giving you 3 tips on how to break into the fitness modeling scene. The world of modeling can be a tricky industry to navigate, so I am sharing some useful knowledge that will hopefully help you along the way.
I want nothing more than for other young girls to purse their dreams. If fitness modeling is a career you want to pursue, I want you to be successful and most importantly a smart businesswoman.
So, for the whole month of September, make sure to head to my Facebook page every Tuesday for the release of a "How To" topic. After you view my video (and like it!), make sure to take notes because every THURSDAY at 8pm EST I will be doing a follow-up Facebook LIVE Q+A for you!
This week bring all your questions about modeling!
I am here to help!
xx Natalie